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My name is Kiara Day and I am the proud owner of a 3-year Advanced Graphic Design Diploma. I did my studies at Georgian College in Barrie, Ontario, but I've lived most of my life in Newmarket, Ontario. I am half Sicilian (Southern Italy) and half Canadian but unfortunately only speak English. I mean, I think if I try hard enough I can count to 10 and maybe say please and thank you in Italian... sorry Nonna.
(Hey I guess I can also say grandma in Italian!). 



Ever since I was little I would draw my thoughts and ideas on EVERYTHING! I started simple like drawing makeup on my doll's faces and then it got a "little" out of hand when I switched to body painting with shoe polish... I wish I were joking, but unfortunately. Thankfully I don't remember much of that happening because I was still in diapers, but my Nonna never seems to forget to remind me. My Nonna was babysitting me and my cousin Taryn. We were always glued to the hip since I came out 4 months after her. Apparently, my Nonna stepped away to do something and I had gotten into my Nonno's (That's grandpa in Italian {another Italian word count goes to me!}) black shoe polish and painted Taryn COMPLETELY!



From how my nonna described it, if the lights were off, we would have completely blended into the darkness, except for our eyes. She panicked like crazy because our parents were supposed to arrive to pick us up in 30 minutes. So she grabbed us both, put us in the bath and started to try to get the polish off. If you don't know much about shoe polish, here's a little lesson... it is almost impossible without scrubbing the life out of your skin. Clearly, the gentle Dove bar soap wasn't working so she panicked even more. You know what comes with two cases of heavy panic... Questionable decision-making.​ My Nonna gets up, runs to the kitchen sink, AND GRABS VIM SINK AND BATH CREAM CLEANER!!! I mean, it came off easily with that but I'm not so sure if toxins are safe for BABY SKIN. I like to say I get my sense of humour from those toxins and that overall experience. If I'm not funny then I'm just toxin-filled I guess. 


Anyways, clearly that artistic ability didn't end with shoe polish and Vim, because then I wouldn't be where I am now. A pretty cool (If I do say so myself) Graphic Designer with an interesting sense of humour and storytelling. 

​I love creating brand identities for companies, magazine pages and covers, logo creation and many more. I take pride in my work and do not like to say a project is finished unless I feel it is my best work. 


If you'd like to know more about me, shoot me a message over on my "Contact" page!

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